Learn the 10 steps to kickstarting your business either part or full time today! As professionals we tend to focus on helping everyone else build their dreams while pushing ours to the side. I'm here to tell you that you can do both. The same skills you use everyday on your job are the same skills you need to run a profitable business. So let's get started!

"Everyone should own a business at some point in their lives so they can leave something for their children and teach them to do the same"

-Kimberly Mitchell

About Me

Hi, I am Kimberly Mitchell!

Kimberly Mitchell has been and educator for over 20 years. She started a Staffing agency 4 years ago while working in the NYC public school system. A year ago she left to operate her business full time. In that she has built a successful corporation, consulting firm and non profit. Her mantra is to "Keep It Moving" because we were never meant to stay in one place.